Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First Time

Today I went to Fatin Syahindah house for the first time smile!
hehe, I go with fara and Iqa..
we went there to plan about this Thursday activity..
what are our activity..?heheheee~ It's COSPLAY!!!!!!!,its really Unique and Fun because our school never does this kind of thing ! thank you to our seni teacher ofcourse!! :Teruja:(well it have the same concept as Cosplay but not so similar too cosplay..(okay now I'm crapping ==")

If it were the otaku's place I think we can see many different anime at our school..But not so sure ler.. tomorrow can confirm with teacher.. ;)

At Aten home, I played with her youngest dongsaeng,we playing a game of chips more, she won 4 times!! aisshh.. We will have the challenge again next time..! How much did I win?? well =..=" urm..better not mention it because her dongsaeng is 12 and I'm 17 so..its embarrasing lah!! hahahahahaah xD :Aigoo!:(

Got to go now..
ouhya..when I was typing this, KBSW is showing Kpop Selection "Super Junior" and I almost cry at the statement "12 members".....so emotional of me right..? aigoo..*blowing my nose* ah Leeteuk hyung said " to our Asian's fans,we love you a lot,thank you for keep supporting us,when we have more time we will visit you no matter where your country is.." well kinda like that.. *__* you know how lovable Teukie is right ELF? than you know what he said ;) LOL xD Super Junior..Hwaiting! Big Bang Daesungie..hwaiting! all KPOP and JPOP artist I wish you all the best! and wish me the best too for my exam!!~ ;) anyeongggggg~!bye

2 Good persons:

Yayah Zack said...

first time? huh >.<
hahahaha, nk bace coding pun merangkak-rangkak, alamat x dpt edit blog sndiri lah , hahahaha
(hari mood sarcastic skit :p)

Syazie Alee said...

LOL..XD hahaha..jahat!! yeah first timer gy umah aten ^^-

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